Why subscribe?

Soundfeed Spotlight aims to shed some light over the tumultuous world of independent music scene. Industry professionals and artists will share their experiences that have proved over time to be success stories or, sometimes, failures transformed into valuable lessons. Editorials and guest posts will focus on the hottest issues and trends. And yes, this is the place where you’ll discover amazing music, from rising stars to music subgenres that would eventually blast their way into the mainstream.

What is Soundfeed?

SoundFeed is a B2B music licensing platform that connects labels, publishers, independent musicians, DJ’s and broadcasters, thus streamlining their existing licensing processes. Think of a global online music marketplace that also provides powerful statistics and essential tools for anyone who breathes music.

Subscribe to Soundfeed Spotlight

What's cooking in the independent music oven, from fresh artists to high profile music blogs and curators. Together with tips & tricks on how to make it in the music industry, so you don't have to dig the infinite interwebs to find the best advices.


music licensing marketplace for artists and record labels